The purpose of this article is to show our current progress in using our Enhanced Search capabilities through the Manifest Medex Health Information exchange. This will cover identified defects and deficiencies and show our current progress in addressing our field provider's feedback and concerns.

Participating Agencies

AMR - Desert Cities

AMR - Hemet/Pass

AMR - Riverside (includes North/Central/South end)

Riverside County Fire (Department-wide/Indio/Coves)

Intended Behavior

This feature through the Repeat Patient window downloads any available information located in our local Health Information Exchange called "Manifest SAFR". When downloading the information it will write or write over patient demographics such as a patient address, phone number, DOB, medical history, allergies, and medications will be written in. This has always been this way when downloading Repeat PatientsThis is by design and can be removed if lost by clicking the remove patient button located in the Repeat patient window.

*If you have received a transfer from a different agency and you were to then download from the Repeat Patient. Both a repeat patient or HIE download would overwrite information in the fields if there is information.

*A good rule of thumb is only downloaded from the repeat patient function if your ePCR is blank and you have not documented any history that can be lost.

Identified Defects

  • Resolved (Hotfix pushed 1/07/2020) After January 1st a new bug showed where the results in the Manifest SAFR window under the repeat patient lookup showed every patient date of birth of January 1. However, when downloading the information the DOB populated correctly into the field. This was reported by both AMR Riverside paramedics contacting our ePCR Helpdesk.

  • Resolved Patient history grid would not validate when medical history populated from the download. This has been resolved with modification of the validation rule that if "other history" is populated the validation rule would satisfy.

  • Resolved Patient medications would not validate when downloading any entries upon enhanced search download. This has been resolved when medications populate the comments only.

  • Fix Completed (waiting on upgrade to be completed on 1/13/2020) Demographics such as Patient address and zip code coming in twice after download. This was reported by both AMR North end/South end, as well as Riverside County Fire.

  • Fix Completed (waiting on upgrade to be completed on 1/13/2020) Patient's medical history was not being parsed in the correct section of the ePCR and still requiring something to be entered. The programmers at ImageTrend were able to fix this and all ICD10 will parse in the correct drop-down under patient history. **Note that ICD10 only and not other code forms. NEMSIS only allows ICD10 codes to populate eHistory.08 (patients medical history drop-down)

  • Issue identified    Other medical histories that populate in the other history text box like immunizations or lab results do not parse into the correct grids in the patient history panel. ImageTrend reports this will be corrected later in the year 2021 as the necessary infrastructure enhancements need to be developed.

  • Issue identified  Patient medications are not populating in the right fields. Currently, they populate in medication notes within the grid. This is currently being worked on but no resolution has been reached yet.

  • Issue identified  Grids not populating when there is nothing to report. We are currently researching the ability to populate Not Recorded values in areas where there is no patient information located in the grid upon download. This should help with the provider's confidence that they did indeed download a patient's information and there was nothing to show. Such as no medications or medical history.