Q3 2022: Elite Updates July 1st to Sept. 30th
*If you are experiencing ePCR or Elite/Elite Field issues (including those that could be related to system changes and updates described below), please contact the on-call ePCR HelpDesk administrator at (951) 840-0675 - Thank you for your continued participation in the Riverside County EMS System! We also appreciate your quick ImageTrend Elite bug reports. **
08/26/2022: Modified Pulse Ox Qualifier Validation (Less restrictive)
After feedback from field crews the Pulse Ox qualifier validation rule is now less strict based on circumstances outside of the medics control. The vitals sign must not be PTA to be required to account for unknown factors of vitals taken prior to your patient contact. Also a Systolic BP must be recorded from the monitor to lessen the requirements of Pulse ox qualifiers being required when a new vital sign is recorded every 5 minutes. This rule can continue to be modified based on feedback from the field.
08/01/2022: Added more Situation activities
Based on feedback: Sitting, Standing, Running,hiking, Heated Argument elements were missing from the activity list. The eSituation.17 field is a required State/Federal element. If you are missing other selections that were there before please contact the helpdesk. This was an unintended issue when the system upgraded to 22.05.
07/23/2022: Moved Narcan Auto Injector to EMT level of Care.
Narcan Auto injector is now part of EMT medications and is defaulted to 0.5 mg Internasal for use in EMT situations.
07/13/2022: Reactivated values under eSituation.17
After the 22.05 upgrade some values were inactivated unintentionally. Reactivated the vehicle activities for driver, passenger, and doing auto work.
07/05/2022: (AMR Only) Added Device ID with new hardware designations
At the request of Eliceo Dominguez a new Device field was deployed today containing the numbering for your iPads. They consist below of:
Blythe-01 to 05
PalmSprings-01 to 34
Hemet-01 to 37
Riverside-01 to 153
If crews done see it ask them to resync all available resources to pull down the changes. Picture shown below will replace current “Device ID” question.