Q4 2022: Elite Updates Oct 1st to Dec. 31st

*If you are experiencing ePCR or Elite/Elite Field issues (including those that could be related to system changes and updates described below), please contact the on-call ePCR HelpDesk administrator at (951) 840-0675 - Thank you for your continued participation in the Riverside County EMS System! We also appreciate your quick ImageTrend Elite bug reports. ** 


11/18/2022: Added various eVitals qualifier validation rules

    Approved by the ePCR helpdesk on 11/16/2022 various Vitals GRID validation rules were created when the vital sign entry grid contains data. Including Qualifiers/ECG interpretation/Patient positioning.

1/09/2022: Prior to contacting Narcan, Leave behind kits validation is required now.

    The optional fields for answering when prior to contacting Narcan situations that may be given and or leaving behind Narcan kits are now required in the Naloxone (Narcan) panel.

10/18/2022 - CATT/CBAT Referral Question added to Assess and Refer Disposition Panel

In Coordination with the Launch of the Mental Health CATT Pilot project. See system advisory here: http://remsa.us/documents/memos/20221018SystemAdvisoryCATTPilotProgramHemetSJ.pdf

ePCR elements were added to help document the utilization of the team. itDisposition.041 was repurposed for this reason so other systems can integrate with the Riverside County project. This field will only be available when a patient is Assessed and Referred outside of the 911 system for secondary services.

10/11/2022 - Updated Neck Assessment to include Rigot Mortis


 Needed a value to help discern between neck stiffness and rigor mortis associated with the determination of death.